[gtkada] How to have GtkAda compiled with debugging info in it's shared library file ?

Philippe Bertin philippe.bertin at telenet.be
Tue Oct 10 14:02:51 CEST 2006

Hello all,

I have just succeeded in compiling GtkAda's (main) shared library with 
debugging information by tweaking it's src/Makefile; I had to add the -g 
compilation switch, and to strip "strip" from it...

At first (after reading the Makefile) I had tried a simple "touch 
src/.devel" and do everything over again. But then the sources didn't 
compile properly (didn't look for the reason thereafter). Then I tried 
tweaking the Makefile, which now indeed enables stepping into the 
sources while debugging.

Could I have done this more neatly ? If yes, how ? Had I missed some 
documentation on how it could be done ? Have looked, but not found any 
(useful) docs initially...

Kind regards,


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