[gtkada] Sequence of control

jf Menon jean-francois.menon at meteo.fr
Tue May 31 08:36:11 CEST 2005


When you destroy a window, you still are in the main loop of gtk. That's 
why your procedure doesn't get the control back.
You must leave the main loop inside the program (Gtk.Main.Quit I think).


Rick Duley wrote:

>Hi folks
>In Windows XP(Home):
>I am working with a GtkWindow within which are GtkCheckButtons and GtkEntrys by
>which the User can (I hope) set some arguments for the main program.  I am
>calling this Window directly from a stand-alone test procedure.
>When the Window is closed (disappears from screen in response to Destroy_Cb
>call) control does not return to the calling procedure (which should then
>display the Arguments as at Close Time.  Process hangs in the Command Window.
>Why is this and how do I fix it?
>"Professional qualitative judgement
>   consists in knowing the rules
>     for using (or occasionally breaking)
>       the rules."
>                            D. Royce Sadler
>Rick Duley
>Murdoch University
>School of Engineering Science
>Perth, Western Australia
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>                              perth *_.-._/
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