[gtkada] Multi-File Selection Widget

Jeffrey Creem jeff at thecreems.com
Wed Mar 9 13:33:41 CET 2005

Preben Randhol wrote:

>Preben Randhol <randhol+gtkada at pvv.org> wrote on 08/03/2005 (18:55) :
>>Unfortunately there are still missing bindings to the Gtk library. The
>>support for multiple files are at the moment not bound. However I don't
>>think it should be hard to do it.
>After a bit checking I see that the File selector widget is being phased
>out for the new File Chooser widget. It is not depreciated, but I think
>it is better to bind the file chooser widget and leave the file selector
>as is.
>What do you say?

I would agree. In addition, the Filter Chooser widget (while not 
perfect) is a much nicer experience for the user.
I considered doing the binding a few months ago but had other 
priorities. There are a few difficulties (not impossible, just need to 
come up with approaches) since the File Chooser widget ends up depending 
on several other widgets by the time you are done. Several (I forget how 
many) of the things you need to bind to are C varadic functions  so one 
needs to come up with a binding approach that is portable to all GtkAda 
platforms and is acceptable to the GtkAda maintainers. I spent about 5 
minutes looking for other varadic examples in the binding to see what 
there is precedence for within GtkAda but I then turned to work on a few 
less important things.

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