[gtkada] Getting Toplevel for Gtk_Entry
Rick Duley
30294025 at student.murdoch.edu.au
Mon Jun 13 03:50:38 CEST 2005
Hi folks
I have a Gtk_Entry within a Box, within a Frame, within a Box, within a Toplevel
Window thus:
+---------- Window ------------+
| +--------- VBox -----------+ |
| | +---- Frame&Label -----+ | |
| | | +----- HBox -------+ | | |
| | | | +--------------+ | | | |
| | | | | Entry | | | | |
| | | | +--------------+ | | | |
| | | +------------------+ | | |
| | +----------------------+ | |
| +--------------------------+ |
Here is a code segment:
procedure On_Analyse60_Source_Folder_Entry_Changed
(Object : access Gtk_Entry_Record'Class)
Main_Window : Gtk_Window := Get_Parent_Window(Widget => Object);
. . .
Any attempt to compile using GPS 2.1.0 (20041129) hosted on pentium-mingw32msv
with GNAT GAP 1.1.0 (20041209-323) fails with the following error message:
analyse60_window_pkg-callbacks.adb:69:29: expected type "Gtk_Window" defined at
analyse60_window_pkg-callbacks.adb:69:29: found type "Gdk_Drawable" defined at
*Q.1. Why would Get_Parent_Window return a Gdk_Drawable in this case?*
The only thing I can get to work is:
procedure On_Analyse60_Source_Folder_Entry_Changed
(Object : access Gtk_Entry_Record'Class)
Main_Window : constant Gtk_Widget := Get_Toplevel(Widget => Object);
-- debug
Put_Line("Widget is "
& Get_Name(Widget => Main_Window));
Put_Line("Entry contains "
& Get_Text(The_Entry => Object));
-- debug
end On_Analyse60_Source_Folder_Entry_Changed;
This prints the name I set in the Gtk_Window_Record and the text I type into the
entry. My problem is that, when the content of the Entry is changed, I wish to
save the text in the Entry into an Unbounded String identified as
"Source_Folder" contained in a record called "Arguments" to which I have an
access in the Gtk_Window_Record (now represented by Main_Window). This access
is allocated memory in the Initialize procedure.
Given the code:
procedure On_Analyse60_Source_Folder_Entry_Changed
(Object : access Gtk_Entry_Record'Class)
Main_Window : constant Gtk_Widget := Get_Toplevel(Widget => Object);
Main_Window.Arguments.Source_Folder := -- line 79
To_Unbounded_String(Get_Text(The_Entry => Object));
-- debug
Put_Line(To_String(Main_Window.Arguments.Source_Folder)); -- line 83
-- debug
end On_Analyse60_Source_Folder_Entry_Changed;
I get the error messages:
analyse60_window_pkg-callbacks.adb:79:18: no selector "Arguments" for type
"Gtk_Widget_Record'Class" defined at gtk-widget.ads:74
analyse60_window_pkg-callbacks.adb:83:37: no selector "Arguments" for type
"Gtk_Widget_Record'Class" defined at gtk-widget.ads:74
That's fair enough. Main_Window _is_ declared as a Gtk_Widget. It has to be -
Get_Toplevel returns a Gtk_Widget - but this particular Widget is a Gtk_Window.
Not only that, it's a Window I know as a named Gtk_Window_Record which has
something named "Arguments" in it! Here it is:
type Analyse60_Window_Record is new Gtk_Window_Record with record
Arguments : Analyst.Arguments_Access_Type;
-- Storage access for the user-defined arguments.
Analyse60_Base_Box : Gtk_Vbox;
. . .
Analyse60_Source_Folder_Frame : Gtk_Frame;
Analyse60_Source_Folder_Hbox : Gtk_Hbox;
Analyse60_Source_Folder_Entry : Gtk_Entry;
Analyse60_Source_Folder_Label : Gtk_Label;
. . .
end record;
According to my way of thinking the procedure
On_Analyse60_Source_Folder_Entry_Changed above should, when the content of
Object is changed, store the text in Object in the Unbounded String in the
record within the window_record. Then the debug line should read that
Unbounded String and print it. But it don't!
*Q.2. What have I done wrong?*
Please, don't just tell me what's wrong - please show me what's right!
"Professional qualitative judgement
consists in knowing the rules
for using (or occasionally breaking)
the rules."
D. Royce Sadler
Rick Duley
Murdoch University
School of Engineering Science
Perth, Western Australia
aussie : 040 910 6049 .-_|\
o'seas : + 61 40 910 6049 / \
perth *_.-._/
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