[gtkada] Remove space between buttons

Reynald Borer reynald.borer at eivd.ch
Fri Jul 1 15:22:43 CEST 2005

Still no luck, I've already Set_Row_Spacings and Set_Col_Spacings set to
zero. Set_Border_Width is also set to zero.

Anyway, it does not seems to be some space between the buttons, but
inside the button. That is, when it loads the image, it adds some space
between the button border and the image border... some inside spacing...


Nicolas Setton wrote:

>> Nice experiment.
>> Have you looked at the drawing at the bottom of gtk-button.ads ? It 
>> describes all the margins that apply to a button.
> Or maybe play with the Gtk_Table spacings (Set_Row_Spacings, 
> Set_Col_Spacings)
> Nico

Reynald Borer <reynald.borer at eivd.ch>
Responsable ravitaillement - AGE-EIVD
http://age.eivd.ch/ - <ravit.age at eivd.ch>

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