[gtkada] "delete_event" / close a window/app properly

Thomas De Contes d.l.tDeContes at free.fr
Mon Feb 7 09:31:51 CET 2005

hi :-)

i got some source code, i don't know if this part was made by glade or 
by my coworker :

			(Win_Principale_gpi, "delete_event",
			Return_Handlers.To_Marshaller (Win_Edeb_Hand'Access));

	function Win_Edeb_Hand
		(Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
		Event	 : Gdk_Event) return boolean;

	function Win_Edeb_Hand
		(Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
		Event	 : Gdk_Event) return boolean
		if Message_Dialog ("voulez vous vraiment quittez edNet ?", 
								Button_Yes or Button_No, Button_Yes) = Button_Yes
			some work;
			Gtk.Main.Gtk_Exit (0);
		end if;
		return true;
	end Win_Edeb_Hand;

well, it should not use Gtk.Main.Gtk_Exit, and return the result of the 
dialog instead of true, isn't it ?
it would exit the application, closing the window ?

is there somewhere an example of application which can open several 
main windows, as does Open Office ?
(on the native mac interface it's easier, since the thinking of 
"windows" are separate from the "applications" !)

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