[gtkada] Gtk.Toolbar

Thomas De Contes d.l.tDeContes at free.fr
Sun Feb 6 21:46:14 CET 2005

surprised that there is no documentation for Gtk.Toolbar package

glade seems to use
    function Append_Item
      (Toolbar              : access Gtk_Toolbar_Record;
       Text                 : UTF8_String := "";
       Tooltip_Text         : UTF8_String := "";
       Tooltip_Private_Text : UTF8_String := "";
       Icon                 : Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget := null)
       return Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button;

Toolbar is the Toolbar we attach the button to,
Icon is an image, correctly formated,
the function returns the button, so that we can connect handlers

but, what are Text, Tooltip_Text, Tooltip_Private_Text ?
in fact, Tooltip_Text is the yellow text which appears with the mouse,
but i don't see any text just below the Icon :-(

		Gtk_New (Win_Principale_gpi.Toolbar1, Orientation_Horizontal, 
		Set_Tooltips (Win_Principale_gpi.Toolbar1, True);
			Expand	=> False,
			Fill	=> False,
			Padding	=> 0);

		Win_Principale_gpi.B_Nouv := Append_Item 
(Win_Principale_gpi.Toolbar1, "ajja", "Nouveau partenaire", "bb",
				Gtk_Widget (Create_Pixmap ("image/New24.gif", Win_Principale_gpi))
			(Win_Principale_gpi.B_Nouv, "clicked", Button_Callback.To_Marshaller 
(On_Bnouv_Clicked'Access), False);

i see only "Nouveau partenaire", not any "ajja" nor "bb"

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