[gtkada] libglade and Windows
Preben Randhol
randhol+gtkada at pvv.org
Wed Apr 27 17:07:01 CEST 2005
Michael Bode <michael.bode at laserline.de> wrote on 27/04/2005 (17:03) :
> This program takes a glade file, creates the UI and then changes the
> font of Entry2 to some large fancy font. If by mistake I change
> Entry2 := Gtk_Entry (Get_Widget (XML, "entry2"));
> to
> Entry2 := Gtk_Entry (Get_Widget (XML, "label2"));
> where label2 is also defined in the glade file, this is checked at
> this point at runtime:
> raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : window1.adb:18 tag check failed
> So the error is caught as early as possible at runtime.
Which is why libglade is a bit counterproductive as you loose the nice
features of the Ada language. However, if you need something dynamic
like a database interface (or similar) it should be useful.
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