[gtkada] progress bar

daniel.gaudry daniel at dgaudry.com
Tue Sep 21 22:13:10 CEST 2004

Dear Sir
I could not find a simple way to have a progress bar running. Can you please 
help in letting me know why the following code extract does not produce a 
working progress bar.  Or, at your earliest convenience, provide me with a 
simple example. Here is the code:


  Gtk_New (Main.Progressbar1);
   Set_Fraction (Main.Progressbar1, 0.5);
   Set_Pulse_Step (Main.Progressbar1, 0.1);
   Set_Text (Main.Progressbar1, -"progress");
   Set_Orientation (Main.Progressbar1, Progress_Left_To_Right);
      Expand  => False,
      Fill    => True,
      Padding => 0);
Configure     (Progress => Main.Progressbar1,
      Value   =>1.0,
      Min      =>1.0,
      Max      =>300.0);


       for I in 1 .. 100 loop
 Set_Fraction (Progress_Bar     => Main.Progressbar1,
                         Fraction                =>gdouble(i)/gdouble(100.0));  
          delay 0.1;
       end loop;

Best Regards
daniel at dgaudry.com

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