[gtkada] DOS window

Per Sandberg per.sandberg at bredband.net
Sat Nov 13 09:45:56 CET 2004

This is because there are two subsystems under windows the 
Console-subsystem which is default when linking with gcc and the
Graphical-subsystem that needs to be explicitly specified.
If an  application is linked with the console subsystem then a 
DOS-window will appear.
To avoid the problem give the option "-mwidows" to the linker
command line:
   gnatmake .... -largs -mwindows
Project file:
   project xx is
      package Linker is
           for Default_Switches("Ada") use ("-mwindows");
      end Linker;
   end xx:


Robert Stuckart wrote:

>I am just getting started with GtkAda and Glade on Windows 2000.  When I start an application from Windows Explorer, a DOS Window always starts with it.  How can I prevent that?
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