[gtkada] Re: gtkada Digest, Vol 8, Issue 5

Thomas De Contes d.l.tDeContes at free.fr
Thu Nov 11 07:51:31 CET 2004

Le jeudi, 11 nov 2004, à 03:11 Europe/Paris, James E. Hopper a écrit :

> there are two routines that are defined in the .h file with two 
> arguments each.  the same routines when they are implemented in the 
> body (.c file) have two arguments but one of the types is different 
> between the header and the body.  simply make both the spec and the 
> body of both routines have the same types.  i don't think it matters 
> which you use just make them the same.

thank you very much for this step :-)

now, i get exactly what i got with the 10.2 compiler :

where is the file misc_extra.c ? i didn't found it in GtkAda-2.2.1 

while we're at it,
Arnaud Charlet, what do you think about
replacing in file GtkAda-2.2.1/src/gtkextra/gtkplot3d.c
l 2094 and 2104
GtkPlotOrientation by GtkPlotAxisPos
please ? :-)

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