[gtkada] Gnu Linux Magazine France November 2004 - gtkada article

Arnaud Charlet charlet at ACT-Europe.FR
Wed Nov 3 15:33:12 CET 2004

> Effectively, when I retrieve gtkada source from act-europe web site and
> try to recompile it, I encounter two already known errors:
> - about src/gtkextra/gtkplot3d.h which is already corrected in the CVS
> - about GTK 2.4 support which was already discussed in this mailing
> list (a patch is required).

The second point is also fixed in CVS.

> This article is a great opportunity to convince users to take a look at
> Ada, but IMHO previous errors will prevent new user to get a great
> experience with GtkAda.

Could you give a link/reference to this article ? That would be great.

> The question is: What is the time frame for the next release?

There is no time frame yet, although "as soon as practical" is a reasonable


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