[gtkada] Illegal Ada code in src/gtk-marshallers.adb
Ludovic Brenta
ludovic.brenta at insalien.org
Tue May 25 21:02:07 CEST 2004
This is the last in a series of 3 bug reports I received concerning
GtkAda. It is listed as a minor bug report in the Debian bug tracking
system; see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=249665.
src/gtk-marshallers.adb, line 79 (and others)
return (Func => To_General_Handler (Cb), Proxy => Call'Access);
The occurrences of Call'Access in src/gtk-marshallers.adb are illegal,
per AI 229 (status WG9 Approved 02-06-21). The correction, as noted
in the AI (see Tucker Taft's email of March 1, 2002 and March 4, 2002),
is to declare
Call_Access : constant Handler_Proxy := Call'Access;
immediately after the declaration of each "Call" function
in each private part, and then use that instead of "Call'Access"
in the corresponding package body.
Ludovic Brenta.
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