[gtkada] patch for mac

James E.Hopper hopperj at macconnect.com
Sat Jul 24 18:37:05 CEST 2004

Hi Chris,

thanks for all the work.  I can hack the makefiles and configure files 
but didnt know how to move up the chain.
>  I do not have GNOME or Glade installed, so I can't test those 
> portions of the kit.

if you want to send me your stuff i can try it as i use glade all the 
time, though not gnome on mac.

> My first attempt just built static libraries and testgtk worked except 
> for OpenGL.  The program just crashed on clicking the OpenGL pane.  
> Heartened, I set out to build dylibs (the darwin version of shared 
> libraries).  Here is where it gets nasty, and I am proceeding slowly.

there is some extra options you need to configure to get opengl support 
to work.  i know it works as i use it all the time to do gtk/gl GUI's 
on mac, that i then recompile for linux.  if you will send me your 
stuff i will work out that problem for you.  its been a while since i 
did it so i will have to rebuild gtkada to remind myself how i did it.

>  Darwin does not have the concept of LD_LIBRARY_PATH in quite the same 
> way that Linux does; rather you must give both the final installation 
> path and temporary development path for each library when linking the 
> lib.

Specifies the directory search path for dynamically loaded libraries.

> The naming convention for libraries is different in Darwin such that 
> the last string must be ".dylib".  Darwin also implements a "current 
> version" and "compatible version" scheme in libraries so that programs 
> will get link failures rather than erroneous execution.  I have no 
> idea how to set this for GtkAda.

I have set it up in the past.  i can help you offline with that.

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