[gtkada] Help with CTree

Mark Gawler markgawler at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 14 09:24:49 CEST 2003

Unless you have a really good reason you shouldn't be using
CTree as its been deprecated, the first line of the Gtk.Ctree
documentation in the reference manual is:

This widget is deprecated. Use Gtk.Tree_View instead.

The testgtk program uses Gtk.Tree_View and I don't remember
having any difficulty adding children.


 --- mauricio at solucioninformatica.com wrote: > Hi all, I have
been use the Ctree widget for a little
> experiment but 
> have some problems because the docs aren't clear for me. I
> search the 
> net and I can't find a piece of code that show me how to
> work with this. 
> I already can add rows to the main ctree but the problem is
> when I 
> select some row and try to add a child for that row. I pass
> the main 
> widget 
> (Gtk_Ctree not Gtk_Ctree_Node) to the callback function but
> when I try 
> to get the selected node to add a child to that node (with 
> Get_Selection() ), I haven't succeed. Also I can't read the
> content of a 
> row, or cell. So, could you mind tell me how to fix this,
> or send me a 
> URL with some examples, please?  Thank's in advance.
> --
> Mauricio Tellez 
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