[gtkada] Signals and selecting rows in Gtk_Tree_View

Rob Groen robgr at xs4all.nl
Mon Nov 24 20:54:30 CET 2003

Thnx Manuel.

I completely overlooked Gtk.Tree_Selection! I focused on Gtk.Selection
instead, obviously to no avail.
BTW, I noticed Gtk.Tree_Selection is not in the HTMLversion of the manual.


> Hoi Rob,
> declare
>    Sel : Gtk_Tree_Selection;
> begin
>    Sel := Get_Selection(The_Tree_View);
>    Set_Mode (Sel, Selection_Browse);
>    -- Or any other type
>    Tree_Selection_Callback.Connect
>      (Sel, "changed", On_Tree_View_Selection_Changed'Access, False);
> Another useful one is
>    Tree_View_Callback.Connect
>      (The_Tree_View, "row_activated", On_Tree_View_Row_Activated'Access,
> False);
> This happens on a double-click or enter press on a row.
> Manuel

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