[gtkada] Getting draw in a drawable area
nachooya at teleline.es
Thu Mar 6 00:19:57 CET 2003
I've to learn gtkada to do a postcript viewer for a university work.
My main problem is that i can get to paint in a drawable area.
I've made a lot of tries to get this and the only i get are runtime errors.
Can somebody says me why this code have runtime errors?
Thank you and sorry for my english.
with Glib;
with Gdk.Window;
with Gdk.Drawable;
with Gdk.GC;
with Gdk.Font;
with Gtk.Drawing_Area;
with Gtk.Window;
procedure Dibujo is
Gdkw : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
GC : Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;
Font : Gdk.Font.Gdk_Font;
Dibujo : Gtk.Drawing_Area.Gtk_Drawing_Area;
Ventana : Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window;
procedure Draw (Drawing : in out Gtk.Drawing_Area.Gtk_Drawing_Area) is
Gdkw : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
GC : Gdk.GC.Gdk_GC;
Font : Gdk.Font.Gdk_Font;
use type Glib.Gint;
-- Get the Gdk window
Gdkw := Gtk.Drawing_Area.Get_Window (Drawing) ;
-- Clear the window
GDK.Window.Clear (Gdkw) ;
-- Create a graphic context associated with this window
Gdk.GC.Gdk_New (GC, Gdkw);
-- Draw a line in this window
(Drawable => Gdkw,
GC => GC,
X1 => 0, Y1 => 0,
X2 => 100, Y2 => 100);
-- Draw an arc
(Drawable => Gdkw,
Gc => gc,
Filled => True,
X => 100,
Y => 100,
Width => 200,
Height => 100,
Angle1 => 0 * 64,
Angle2 => 270 * 64);
-- Ask for a given font
Gdk.Font.Load (Font,
(Drawable => Gdkw,
Font => Font,
Gc => gc,
X => 50,
Y => 50,
Text => "Hello World");
Gdk.GC.Destroy (GC);
end Draw;
Gtk.Window.Gtk_New (Ventana);
Gtk.Drawing_Area.Gtk_New (Dibujo);
Gtk.Window.Add (Ventana, Dibujo);
Gtk.Window.Show_All (Ventana);
Draw (Dibujo);
end Dibujo;
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