[gtkada] Two newbie questions

Stephane Riviere stephane at rochebrune.org
Mon Jun 2 21:57:11 CEST 2003

> * In the ACT papers about GtkAda it says: "Pluggable look & feel". I
> don't see any example about that, or further explanation. What this
> mean exactly? Can an application look native on windows?

With Gtk 1.3, I've tried without success many times and many ways. May 
be someone else has succeed ?

With Gtk 2.2, gtk themes are functional under windows 2K (tested).

Under XP, it's simply amazing, watch Gtk-Winp : 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtk-wimp, and see the screenshots...

Regards from france,

Stephane (Oleron Island)
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