[gtkada] Compiling for GtkAda-1.x and GtkAda-2.x

Marc A. Criley mcq95 at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 29 18:35:30 CEST 2003

> I need to write Code which runs on both platforms, GtkAda-1.x and
> GtkAda-2.x. What would be a proper solution, to have both versions
> installed? AFAICS one version overwrites the other.

Is using static linking of GtkAda a possibility?  Then you can use GtkAda
2.x, and not worry about whether the target platform has 1.x, 2.x, or
nothing installed.  Granted, you lose the automatic upgradability when a new
library is released, but that's a tradeoff you need to decide on.

Marc A. Criley

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