[gtkada] Compiling for GtkAda-1.x and GtkAda-2.x

Martin Klaiber martinkl at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Jul 29 18:09:03 CEST 2003


I need to write Code which runs on both platforms, GtkAda-1.x and
GtkAda-2.x. What would be a proper solution, to have both versions
installed? AFAICS one version overwrites the other.

My solution for the moment is, to have two systems, each with one of
the libs installed. So I first make the source compatibel for one
version, copy it to the other system and adapt it. But this doesn't
please me really, there should be a better solution.

Does someone here run such a two-version-system and could give me some
hints? Perhaps I should do it with symbolic links? My OS is Linux.

Thx, Martin

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