[gtkada] Problem with Gdk.Color.Parse

Bobby D. Bryant bdbryant at mail.utexas.edu
Sun Jul 20 03:15:57 CEST 2003

On 2003.07.19 09:49, Bobby D. Bryant wrote:

> b) In the PostScript version of the 2.2.0 GtkAda Reference Manual, at 
> the middle of page 92, the documentation for function Parse mixes 
> "RBG" and "RGB" where it looks like they should be the same.

I now discover that I can't get the Parse procedure to work at all with 
RGB color specification strings, after trying both "RGB" and "RBG".  It 
works for named colors such as "red", but not for "RGB:FF/00/00" and 
similar specifications that worked OK under GtkAda 1.2.11.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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