[gtkada] fonts in Gtk.Extra.Plot_Canvas

Bobby D. Bryant bdbryant at mail.utexas.edu
Sat Jul 19 17:49:00 CEST 2003

I have updated from GtkAda 1.2.11 to 2.2.0 (and from GNAT 3.13p to 
3.15p as a side effect) and am now making the minimal changes necessary 
to get some existing programs to work.

One program uses Gtk.Extra.Plot_Canvas to create a plot in real time, 
and also has a button for dumping it to a PostScript file at the end of 
a run.  The canvas is sized to match a printed piece of paper, and on 
my monitor everything is within a few percent of the actual size of the 
printout.  A few problems have appeared in this part of my program 
after the upgrade:

1) All the fonts now show much larger than their original size on the 
screen display, though they are still the original size on the 
printout.  I measure about 1.6x growth.  Nothing but the text suffers 
this magnification.

2) The screen display cannot find the "Symbol" font that I used for 
rendering a sigma, though the sigma still shows up in the PostScript 
output file (whether I print it or view it with gv).  I get this error 

** Message: Pango font symbol 14 (PS font Symbol) not found, using 
fixed instead.

And indeed I do get an 's' in what looks like a fixed-width font.

3) I was formerly able to use "\g`  " to print a macron over a 
following character, with the desired results both on the screen and on 
the printout.  Now it just puts a backquote in front of the character 
and shows the character in bold.  The PostScript output is still 

A couple more items not related to the above, but which I should 
mention before I forget:

a) The Gtk.Extra.Plot_Data.Get_Symbol and Set_Symbol procedures have 
parallel argument structures, except that one uses a Gint for the line-
width argument and the other uses Gfloat.  (Others such as Get_ or 
Set_Line_Attributest_Line_Attributes use Gfloat for the width in both 

b) In the PostScript version of the 2.2.0 GtkAda Reference Manual, at 
the middle of page 92, the documentation for function Parse mixes "RBG" 
and "RGB" where it looks like they should be the same.


Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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