[gtkada] Compatibility GtkAda 1.x <-> 2.0

Gautier de Montmollin gdemont at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 23 23:26:54 CET 2003


I'd like to do a little project with GtkAda.
It is an Ada version of TeXCAD, a powerful tool for
drawing LaTeX pictures. The original is in Turbo Pascal,
for DOS.

The 1.x version is easier to manage for a beginner,
but surely the 2.x will one day replace the 1.x . So, my
question is: are there major incompatibilities or can one
begin with 1.x and continue later with 2.x ?

Note that I will develop it under Windows, but I'd like
it to work under other Gtk-supported systems.

Gautier  --  http://www.mysunrise.ch/users/gdm/gsoft.htm

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