[gtkada] GtkAda 2.0 on Windows?

Logan O'Sullivan Bruns logan at gedanken.org
Thu Feb 6 17:44:22 CET 2003

It compiles for me with gcc 3.2.1 on windows but when I run testgtk it
doesn't work properly. The window looks the same as when I run it under
solaris or macosx but when I open the tree on the left and select a demo it
doesn't load into the right panel. I can fold and unfold the tree and tab
through the notebook. Just not select any individual test.

I'm wondering if this is because I'm compiling from the tar off the website.
Would I have better success if I compiled off of CVS?


p.s. I get the digest so it might take a while for me to respond.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gtkada-admin at lists.act-europe.fr
> [mailto:gtkada-admin at lists.act-europe.fr]On Behalf Of Stephane Riviere
> Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 8:57 AM
> To: gtkada at lists.act-europe.fr
> Subject: Re: [gtkada] GtkAda 2.0 on Windows?
> >
> >
> >I thought I read somewhere that somebody had managed to compile GtkAda
> >2.0 on windows? Anybody here succeded? Anybody know where the bottleneck
> >is to getting it compiled?
> >
> Yes it's me :)
> But it's not (still) working here (with gnatgcc 3.3) (exception raise
> when launching testgtk)
> Jeffrey creem has succed (I think he reads this list) (with gnatgcc 3.2)
> I can provided to you a step by step "how-to"...
> Regards from France
> Stephane Riviere (Oleron Island)

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