[gtkada] showing image?

Bobby D. Bryant bdbryant at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Apr 29 11:16:03 CEST 2003

On 2003.04.28 04:02, luiX_ wrote:

> I'm trying to do a very simple program using gtkada and I want to 
> show a window with an image, I don't know
> how to do that. I suppose the code is very short, anyone can help me? 
> what about the image formats supported
> .bmp .jpg etc...?

Your installation should have included a document named gtkada_rm.ps.  
Find it and look at the sections on Gdk.Pixbuf.

For an example of how to use it, look at the pixbuf section of the 
testgtk program that also came with your installation.

You may also be interested in the sections on pixmaps, in addition to 
pixbufs.  But it is the pixbuf that will support loading many common 
file formats.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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