[gtkada] WinXP - GtkAda/Glade/Gate.sh Configuration

Mark Bayern mark at mlb.net
Tue Apr 22 06:04:07 CEST 2003

Has anyone put together a HOWTO about getting GtkAda, Glade and gate.bat, 
etc working correctly using WinXP?

I've installed gnat-3.15p-nt.exe, gnatwin-3.15p.exe, and 
GtkAda-1.3.12.exe.  Had to install GtkAda into a "GtkAda" directory instead 
of its 'suggested' "GtkAda-1.3.12" in order to get the 'cd' commands to 
work. Still having problems with directory substitutions in the gate.bat 
and gate.sh files.


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