[gtkada] Puzzled about GtkLabel in GtkAda 2.0

Emmanuel Briot briot at act-europe.fr
Fri Apr 25 10:00:21 CEST 2003

> So I am correct in assuming that in GtkAda 2.0 it is not possible to use
> Markups in the Label or can you do that with a call to Set_Property. I'm
> confused because there is a :

We generally provided both the property and the subprogram. If you only
need the property for Glade 2, go ahead and just add that one. You don't
need to care about the subprogram. We'll add them at some point

> Btw you don't have any tips for me about the GObject error I get when I
> try to call the Misc_Generator in the Label_Generator that I reported
> earlier? Maybe a hint could help me move on as I got stuck with the
> Label due to this.

I do not have anything specific to this issue. What I generally do when
I get a gtk+ warning is to break on g_log in the debugger and examine
the backtrace. I don't really understand what program is emitting the
warning, I assume it is gate itself, but since you haven't sent your XML
file, there is not much we can tell you through the limited output you


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