[gtkada] XPM files

Bobby D. Bryant bdbryant at mail.utexas.edu
Fri Sep 27 23:43:47 CEST 2002

On 2002.09.27 15:23:30 -0600 Anh Vo wrote:
> In the \GtkAda-1.3.12\examples\editor example, if xpm files new.xpm,
> open.xpm and save.xpm are deleted from this directory, there will be a
> number of warning coming from C files while running program
> gladedit.exe. In addition, the new, open and save icon are not shown
> on the display.

Ask yourself where those icons were supposed to come from.

Many, many, many GUI programs, whether written in GtkAda or anything 
else, will splash images onto the screen at various points in a run.  
They have to get those images from somewhere.  In principle you could 
embed them in the executable code, or even in the source code for some 
image formats, but as far as I can tell it's much more common to just 
load them from files at run time.  And if that is the chosen mechanism, 
then the files must be present for loading whenever the program runs.

BTW, that's how the skinning/theming of an application usually works.  
A skin or theme is just an alternative collection of images.  Often 
when you specify a skin or theme you are actually specifying the name 
of a subdirectory somewhere in the application's data directory tree, 
and then the application loads images out of that directory rather than 
out of some hard-coded default directory.  Under the simplest scheme, 
every directory will have image files with the same names but different 
content.  (Under more complicated schemes a configuration file will be 
read by the application to find the names and locations of the images 
to be loaded, which then would not have to be located in any particular 

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

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