[gtkada] Canvas signal "item_select" - can't complile

Enno Bartels enno.bartels at m.eads.net
Tue Oct 22 14:34:04 CEST 2002


Am Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2002 09:42 schrieb Preben Randhol:
> Enno Bartels <enno.bartels at m.eads.net> wrote on 22/10/2002 (09:36) :
> > Hi
> >
> >
> > I do not understand whats wrong because the other signals did work.!
> >
> > It  works too, if I change
> >     procedure Item_Select
> >      (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class;
> >       Item   : Canvas_Item)
> > to
> >    procedure Item_Select
> >      (Canvas : access Interactive_Canvas_Record'Class)
> > but I need the Item! So what can I do ??
> You must read in the user manual under Signal handling. There it is
> explained how to do this. Also look at the examples that followed with
> gtkada in the handlers directory where there are source code to show you
> how to do it.
Sorry but that didn't help my - I do not understand what to do in 
my case.

My canvas program is like the one in the testgtk example

If you look at the reference manu gtkada-convas:
There are 3 signal defined

In the testgtk example only "zoomed" is used
In my programm "background_click" is used too and works
but "item_selected" did not work.

My questing was asked before by Steven Carpenter. 
But that answer didn't help me too.

Any tip would be nice.

Thanks for your support.

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