[gtkada] Win32 package is missing while compiling testgtk

Jerzy Depta depta at iai.fzk.de
Wed Mar 13 11:42:20 CET 2002

Hello All,
building testgtk on Windows2000 fails due to a missing win32 package. The GtkAda version is 1.3.12, the gnat command is gnatmake -I../lib -Iopengl -Ipixbuf testgtk -largs -llw -lopengl32 -lglu32, an error occurs while compiling opengl\view_gl.adb. Folowing the messages from gnatmake I found that there are two OpenGl related Ada files, opengl\gl_h.ads and opengl\glu_h.ads, which reference (rename) the win32 package but I could not identify a source file containing it. Where is a source file for the win32 package hidden?

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