[gtkada] Glade or not to Glade?

Ebert, Rolf rolf.ebert at bms.de
Tue Jun 4 17:21:57 CEST 2002

I usually start with designing the UI in Glade.  After some coding --
especially when adding own operations in the generated packages --
modification of the UI by Glade do not work very reliably (although I am
quite experienced in the diff/patch method).  Whenever there is a new window
to add, I generate the initial framework with Glade in a separate directory
and copy the relevant packages to my working directory.

I suppose that it is not the intended way of working with Glade, YMMV.


Jeremy Cowgar [mailto:develop at cowgar.com] wrote:

Do most people use Glade to develop their Ada/Gtk apps or skip it and
code the GUI? I do not have much experience with it and was simply
curious what the general opinion was.


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