[gtkada] Building GtkAda 2.0 on Windows?

Ebert, Rolf rolf.ebert at bms.de
Wed Jul 3 11:33:47 CEST 2002

I have tried to build GktAda 2.0 on a MinGW environment during the last week
and I am still fiddling around.  I installed the pre-built binary packages
of gcc-3.1 (including Ada) and of all the binary Windows Gtk packages
(including glib, pango, atk, iconv, intl).

Configure in the top-level GtkAda directory does not work (don't remember
why).  Almost all files compile fine with the simple command "gnatmake
-Pgtkada.gpr src/make_gtk.adb".  I had to remove the -gnatwe option as the
pragma unreferenced is not yet available in gcc-3.1.  Due to the failed
configure run, I had to manually build gtkada-intl.adb from gtkada-intl.gpb.
You also have to change the Linker_Options in gdk-threads.ads from
-lgthread-1.3 to -lgthread-2.0.

I still cannot link any executable.  This is probably due to some strange
setup on my computer.  I had to set ADA_INCLUDE_PATH and ADA_OBJECTS_PATH to
the standard compiler locations (/mingw/lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/3.1/adainclude
and /mingw/lib/gcc-lib/mingw32/3.1/adalib), although searching in these
locations is usually built in and does not need setting the env-vars.  My
misconfiguration is probably also the cause for not finding any library at
link time.

Please report any progress that you make


-----Original Message-----
From: Preben Randhol [mailto:randhol at pvv.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 11:02 AM
To: GtkAda Mailinglist
Subject: [gtkada] Building GtkAda 2.0 on Windows?

Have anybody built GtkAda 2.0 for Windows? I was thinking of looking
into it and it would be nice if somebody had some pointers.

Thanks in advance

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