[gtkada] Canvas Item Record

Clark, G L g.l.clark at lmco.com
Mon Feb 25 20:45:17 CET 2002

Hello All,

    I'm wondering if the functionality I'm getting with the canvas widget is
the expected functionality:

    I have several types of canvas_item_records,  an arc, a rectangle, and
an alphanumeric.  They each are derived from canvas_iterm_record and each
have an overloaded Draw function.  In each draw function I use methods from
Gtk_Drawable to create the appropriate pixmaps.  'Draw_Rectangle,  Draw_Arc,
    I then create an item of each type and 'Put' them onto the Canvas.  As
expected a can drag around the rectangle pixmap and the Arc pixmap.
However, I can't drag around the Text on the Canvas.  Is this expected
behavior or am I doing something wrong?

   I think this post is appropriate for this group because of differences
between the Gnome Canvas widget and the one provided with GtkAda.

       George Clark

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