[gtkada] Creating a file selector for multiple files

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Tue Feb 12 14:04:30 CET 2002

manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com wrote on 11/02/2002 (15:30) :
> >how do I create a file selector where I can select multiple files?
> You'd have to write it yourself probably. I find the 
> current Gtk.File_Selection to be inadequate for a real
> application. And I'm anxious to know if Gtk 2.0 will
> provide a better one. If it doesn't, I'm probably 
> going to make a better one myself.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to do. One of the things I find most
annoying is that when you switch directory the Entry widget for
filenames is cleared so that if there was a filename there you have to
type it again. This is a serioud UI flaw and I'm surprised if it isn't
fixed in 2.0. 

I would also liked to make a better fileselector (one that can easily
handle both save and load so that one do not have to have two
fileselectors in your code). Unfortunately I'm a bit busy finishing my
Glosa program and Common_Dialog package,
http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/Ada95/, in the little free time I have.

Besides perhaps it is nice to wait for Gtk 2.0 to see how the new
widgets work. I understand that the list widgets get replaced.

But a new fileselector would be nice. We should make mock ups in glade
and discuss what would be nice to have so we can make one more or less
standard widget and not have several variants.

PS: Do anybody have a screenshot of the qt fileselector?
Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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