[gtkada] Pragma Unreferenced

Anh Vo Anh.Vo at udlp.com
Wed Apr 10 19:59:17 CEST 2002

No, I did not mean error at all. It is just that I have not seen this
pragma before. In addition, every body knows that unrecognized pragma
shall be ignored by compiler. It is the rule specified by the ARM.

A. Vo

>>> charlet at ACT-Europe.FR 04/10/02 09:51AM >>>
> GtkAda-2.0.0 contains pragma Unreferenced which is not recognized by
> GNAT-3.14p on Windows. I have looked at both GNAT User's Guide and
> Reference Manual for this pragma without prevail. What option should
> used when compiling GtkAda-2.0.0 source code? Thanks.

The options used to compile GtkAda 2.0 are those specified in the

In particular, this pragma (only available in recent versions of GNAT)
only generate a warning message, so warnings should not be translated
to errors (-gnatwe).


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