[gtkada] Running GtKAda on a Win32 box drawing on an X11 Server ??

Aidan Skinner aidan at velvet.net
Wed Apr 10 18:16:31 CEST 2002

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 prsa at systems.saab.se wrote:

> And the aim of the new project is to reuse (by linking) the existing
> components  and make a new MMI drawing on an X-server instead of the Win32
> console.

You could use the MVC (model, view, controller) paradigm, something
like this:

[ Windows Box]                               [X server]

 ----------       ------------               -----
| Existing |<--->| App Server |<- network ->| GUI |
| Code     |      ------------               -----
(model)           (controller)               (view)

Which is probably easier than building a Win32 GTK remoting to X...

- Aidan
aidan at velvet.net  http://www.velvet.net/~aidan/  aim:aidans42
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