[gtkada] Slowness on Linux

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Thu Oct 18 17:07:22 CEST 2001

manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com wrote on 18/10/2001 (15:01) :
> Is this familiar to anyone? Some strange interaction
> of Gtkada with the X-window manager?

Since it is a bit hard to know as I don't have your program :-) so I can
check on my machine, have you tried the test programs that come with
GtkAda? Are they similarily slow? Which Xfree version do you use? What
kind of hardware is it and is it supported propperly by Xfree? Have you
tested other programs, like Gimp etc? Do they also seem very slow?

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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