[gtkada] Underlined menu shortcuts

Pedro Diaz Jimenez pdiaz88 at terra.es
Wed May 16 21:02:14 CEST 2001

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On Wednesday 16 May 2001 09:43, Preben Randhol wrote:
> Larry Elmore <ljelmore at home.com> wrote on 16/05/2001 (00:18) :
> > Preben Randhol wrote:
> >
> >
> > KonTiki is (going to be) Yet Another File Browser. I've tried just about
> > everything out there, and have yet to find anything I like better than
> > TkDesk. Unfortunately, it's no longer being developed (~2 yrs in stasis,
> > I think), and in some ways it's slow, plus has some bugs. It's written
> > in C and Tcl/Tk, and I think it would be far better if were re-done in
> > Ada and GTK+. :)  (and use Lisp as the extension language, via librep,
> > rather than Tcl. Or maybe Ruby?)
> Or Python.
> I checked out tkdesk and it looks pretty good actually. Would be very
> nice with a good filebrowser in Ada and GTk+ that one could promote.
> Just don't do it like Nautilus and make it more for screen shots than
> for actual use. I liked the drag and then you get a window to choose the
> action as opposed to the M$ way where one have to right-click to do
> this. I always end up rightclicking. One thing I like with the M$
> explorer is the Ctrl-C Ctrl-V Ctrl-X shortcuts. It makes it easier to
> move files in many respects and I have seen that old people usually
> prefer this as holding down the mouse button and moving the mouse can be
> a challange. Also on laptops as the builtin micepads usually suck.
- -- 
Well, you migh want to take a look at konqueror. Has all those features, its
fast and it's also a web browser. It's made with C++ and QT, but you could 
take it as a model of your future file manager

 * Pedro Diaz Jimenez
 * pdiaz88 at terra.es 
 * pdiaz at acm.asoc.fi.upm.es
 * Wanna see how 100000! looks like?:
 * http://acm.asoc.fi.upm.es/~pdiaz/fact_100.000
 * La sabiduria me persigue, pero yo soy mas rapido

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