[gtkada] gtkada-config vs. adasockets-config

Bobby D. Bryant bdbryant at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Mar 12 23:19:26 CET 2001

Emmanuel Briot wrote:

>  > I have a program that uses both GtkAda and Adasockets, and I'm really having
>  > trouble getting it to compile and link correctly.
> There's no apparent reason why
>    gnatmake ${ARGS} $@ `adasockets-config --cflags` `gtkada-config --cflags`
>      -largs `adasockets-config --libs` `gtkada-config --libs`
> wouldn't work.
> --cflags gives the arguments for gnatmake, whereas --libs gives the arguments
> for the linker, so these can be clearly separated.

That works for me; hopefully it will work on Eric's system as well.


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