[gtkada] Gdk.Drawable example

Vinicius F Arcaro varcaro at terra.com.br
Thu Jan 4 09:37:51 CET 2001

Emmanuel Briot wrote:

> This is in now way a complete example.

I noticed :)

> It is missing several required things, like a call to Gtk.Main.Init to
> initialize the toolkit, the creation of a main window (like
> Gtk.Window.Gtk_New), the display of that window (Gtk.Widget.Show), and
> the start of the event loop (Gtk.Main.Main).

I also noticed :)

> Look at other examples to see how to do these things.
> Draw is a low-level example on how to directly draw in a window. You
> should look at it only once you know the basics of the rest GtkAda.

The only other example related to drawing is (SCRIBBLE.ADB). However, it
is a very difficult example to understand even if it did not had
superfluous instructions (as you noticed on my previous post), source
code turned into commentaries (probably forgotten during development),
an abuse of the USE clause (makes understanding a guess work) and
finally things like writing "moo" inside of a circle that adds
unnecessary complexities (a straight line would be fine).

Considering that the documentation is not at a desirable level, I
believe you should provide simple and clear working examples.

Vinicius F. Arcaro

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