[gtkada] Tasking with GtkAda for newbies

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Fri Feb 9 14:10:14 CET 2001

Emmanuel Briot <briot at gnat.com> wrote on 09/02/2001 (14:02) :
>  > But when I look at top, my app grows from approx 3900kb to 4800 kb after
>  > 50 dialogs have been opened. When I close all 50 dialogs it is still
>  > 4800 kb. I must be doing something else wrong.
> It is expected that it grows up if you open dialogs without closing them.
> The fact that the memory doesn't shrink once you have closed them comes from
> the memory management on Linux I believe.
> What happens if you open 10 new dialogs afterwards ? Does the memory keep
> growing ? It shouldn't, since it should be reusing the pool of freed memory
> that it kept from before.

I will do this test as soon as I pin down the bug in my source code that
prevents me from recompiling it :-) I have changed too much. Teaches me
for not using CVS (which I will start doing).

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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