[gtkada] Tasking with GtkAda for newbies

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Fri Feb 9 13:49:40 CET 2001

Arnaud Charlet <charlet at ACT-Europe.FR> wrote on 09/02/2001 (13:46) :
> > My next question is: Do I need to Free Notify_Dialog with
> > Unchecked_Deallocation when I destroy the dialog window? 
> Destroy (or unref, depending) takes care of freeing all the necessary
> memory for you. That's another advantage of GtkAda: unless explicitely stated
> in the spec, all the objects are freed automatically.

But when I look at top, my app grows from approx 3900kb to 4800 kb after
50 dialogs have been opened. When I close all 50 dialogs it is still
4800 kb. I must be doing something else wrong.

Preben Randhol ---------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
+---+ "There was, I think, never any reason to  believe in any innate
| ! |  superiority of the male, except his superior muscle."
+---+      -- Bertrand Russell, Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind (1950)

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