[gtkada] Text Entry layout in a HBox problem (new user)

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Thu Feb 8 10:54:15 CET 2001

Charles Darcy <charlie at mullum.com.au> wrote on 08/02/2001 (10:28) :
> Hi,
>     I've just started using GtkAda in a conversion of a c++ app to ada,
> and found it to be excellent.
>     I do have one problem, however.
>     I would like to have two Text Entry widgets in a HBox. The first
> needs to be able to display text of varying length. The second only
> needs to display at most 4 characters. At the moment, each Text Entry
> widget is the same size, which results in the first widgets text not
> being completely displayed, and the second widget taking up much more
> space than is needed. I have made the HBox non-homogenous, and have
> disabled Expand and Fill for it, and set the Max Length property of the
> second widget to 4, all to no avail. I also tried placing the Text Entry
> widgets in Alignment containers and playing with the Align and Scale
> properties, also with no success.


   Pack_Start (HBox, Entry1, True, True, 0);
   Pack_End   (HBox, Entryr2, False, False, 0);

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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