[gtkada] Viewport problems

daniel holmstrom s99d at student.informatik.gu.se
Mon Dec 3 13:08:46 CET 2001

I'm trying to use a Scrolled_Widows vertical Adjustment to scroll a
widget in a viewport simultaneously as the widget in the
Scrolled_Window. Both widgets has the same height. If the widget in the
viewport is "W1" and the one in the Scrolled_Window is "W2" this is what
I've tried to do something like this:

	Hadj : Gtk_Adjustment;
	Vadj : Gtk_Adjustment;
	Gtk_New (Scrolled_Win);
	Add_With_Viewport (Srolled_Win, W2);
	Hadj := Get_Hadjustment (Scrolled_Win);
	Vadj := Get_Vadjustment (Scrolled_Win);

	Gtk_New (Viewport, Null, Vadj);	
	-- Don't know if this is the right order for Vadj/Hadj 
	Add (Viewport, W1);
	-- then I put them beside each other in a table and shows them,
	-- Both with Xoptions := Yoptions := Expand + Fill;

But the viewport is always the same size as the widget in it, There's
probably something I'm missing here, but I've tried to read the source(c)
for gtk-scrolled-window without any success.
Could someone help me with this, please.

<s99d at student.informatik.gu.se>

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