[gtkada] Strange behavior in Windows 2000?

MCL boris at aaron.ls.fi.upm.es
Fri Aug 3 02:57:36 CEST 2001

    Hello all.  I am experiencing a strange behavior with GtkAda in
Windows 2000.  I have a program which makes a quite heavy use of I/O
to some editable boxes, and after some time running, the output starts
to be somehow directed off the (unique) window and drawn in another
area of the screen.  Some of the output in the window is garbled, too.
Lots of warning messages show up in the console I started the
application in, related to objects which could not be deleted.
Windows NT gives many warning messages as well, but the graphical
output is right.  The program runs smoothly so far (for several hours)
in Linux.

    If this helps, I am using GtkAda to provide separate input/output
to concurrent tasks with educational purposes.  The window is made up
of a set of boxes, each with a couple of buttons and an input and
output area (the latter is a scrollable text widget).  Each task
calling Put_Line is dynamically assigned one of these boxes, where all
its standard I/O will take place.  If this matters, the rate at which
output is made can be so fast (think of a tight loop per task making
an output operation at every iteration).  I have made sure that the
graphical operations are always made from the same task.  I always
take care of trimming the output the size of the ouput text when it
goes over some limit, so I am not exhausting the memory.

    Any ideas, or similar experiences?  I am not including the sources
since they are quite lengthy, but they are available to anyone

    Thanks a lot for all and any help.

          ||            Manuel Carro -- DLSIIS            ||
          ||           e-mail: mcarro at fi.upm.es           ||
          ||      http://lml.ls.fi.upm.es/~boris          ||
          ||    http://clip.dia.fi.upm.es/Software/Ciao   ||
          || Phone: +34 91 336-7455  FAX: +34 91 336-7412 ||

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