[gtkada] Preserving background pixmap when animating

Jean-Etienne Doucet doucet at laas.fr
Mon Apr 2 11:25:13 CEST 2001

From: Emmanuel Briot <briot at gnat.com>
|  > I have a background pixmapped GtkDrawingArea. I am Draw_Pixmp()ing
|  > pixmaps on to it to achieve animation. The function also uses transparency, 
|  > so the background pixmap show through.
| You might want to look at the examples/doublebuffer directory in the GtkAda
| distribution. This provides a non-flickering drawing area that you might want
| to try in your program. Things could probably be optimized a bit, so feel free
| to modify the demo.
| But at least it will give you a good view on how things should be done.
| Emmanuel

Talking about the Gtk_Double_Buffer, why hasn't it made its way in the GtkAda.*
hierarchy ? I find it's a very useful widget and use it regularly, so it
would be nice to have it "at hand", and not to go and fetch it in the
Examples directory.

Just a suggestion...

Jean-Etienne Doucet / LAAS-CNRS / Toulouse, France       E-mail: doucet at laas.fr

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