[gtkada] gate problem

Alexey V. Litvinov lialsoftlab at mail.ru
Thu Sep 28 08:36:50 CEST 2000

-----Èñõîäíîå ñîîáùåíèå-----
Îò: Arnaud Charlet <charlet at ACT-Europe.FR>
Êîìó: gtkada at gtkada.eu.org <gtkada at gtkada.eu.org>
Äàòà: 27 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2000 ã. 19:22
Òåìà: Re: [gtkada] gate problem

It's very good, but I subsribed to this list recently and don't received
corrected script.
May any body send it to me (lial at newmail.ru) ? Or say where to find it.
I will be very grateful.

>Some have posted change of gate.sh to this list previousely, and the next
>version of GtkAda will also have a corrected gate.sh script.

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