[gtkada] GtkEntry Callback

JJ Escanellas juanjef at adinet.com.uy
Mon Oct 16 22:09:36 CEST 2000

Continuing with the question I've made, I found that to copy a text entry to
another it's simple in a button (Window1.button1) callback. There one can use
Set_Text and Get_Text with a Window1.Entry1, Window1.Entry2. But in the entry's
(say Window1.Entry1) callback, it seems that one can only refer to the
Window1.Entry1 as the Object argument of the callback, not directly as
Window1.Entry1. Either it's possible to refer to the other Window1.Entry2.
Actually I don't understand the reason, but I will continue studying about ada
& gtkada anyway. 

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