[gtkada] cannot create .ali file

Lloyd Dizon techmetal at bluewin.ch
Fri Nov 10 22:33:10 CET 2000

When compiling a program I get errors reporting that the .ali file
cannot be created. I installed a rpm version of GtkAda1.2.8 and glib and
gtk+ libraries on my machine running SuSE Linux. What should I do to be
able to build a progamm using then GtkAda libraries?

:/usr/doc/GtkAda/examples/gtk_examples > make
gnatmake -g scribble `gtkada-config`
gnatgcc -c -g scribble.adb
gnat1: Cannot create: scribble.ali
gnatmake: "scribble.adb" compilation error
make: *** [scribble] Error 4

Lloyd Dizon

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