[gtkada] Ann: Version 1.5b of alibrowse

Srinivasan, Rajagopalan (IndSys, SalemVA) Rajagopalan.Srinivasan at indsys.ge.com
Fri Nov 10 21:55:53 CET 2000


I have uploaded Version 1.5b of alibrowse to

The release notes reads as follows :
 Version 1.5b  -------------------------------------------------------------
Nov 10, 2000

	  	Unlike the previous kit, this kit includes the *.l files ie
aliscan.l and lseada.l files 	
		which are processed by aflex and ayacc to scan Ada Source
files. The output of aflex
	 	is also included just in case someone does not have aflex
and ayacc already.

	  		The Internal Database was hardcoded in size. Now
made it configurable so very large
	 		folders can be handled. (Was a problem with jgnat

	  		gtk.paned used instead of simply packing the file
list and file display widgets.
	 		Thus the windows can be reconfigured by the user.
Initial size is still somewhat

	  		file_display pane uses a color scheme ie blue for
keywords etc. Thus is an example
	 		of syntax coloring.		



R. Srinivasan
General Electric Industrial Systems
Engineering Services
1501 Roanoke Boulevard
Salem, VA 24153
mailto:Rajagopalan.Srinivasan at IndSys.ge.com
Phone : (540) 387-7870 Dial-Comm : 278-7870

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